Changing Saudi Arabia
Lynne Rienner press has published Dr. Foley’s Changing Saudi Arabia: Art, Culture, and Society in the Kingdom. The book is a detailed study of the Kingdom’s artistic movement and how it [...]
Lynne Rienner press has published Dr. Foley’s Changing Saudi Arabia: Art, Culture, and Society in the Kingdom. The book is a detailed study of the Kingdom’s artistic movement and how it [...]
Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service Center for Contemporary Arab Studies publishes Dr. Foley’s article, “Saudi Arabia’s Artists of Change” in its fall [...]
Dr. Foley presented “Arabia’s Ambivalent Auteur: Meshal al-Jasr Cinematic Vision for a new Saudi Arabia” to the Film and Visual Media in the Gulf Conference, NYU Abu Dhabi in [...]
Dr. Foley delivered a paper on smoking, Islam, and society in Saudi Arabia to the Oxford Symposium on religious studies at Oxford University in August 2018.
“To Go With the Grain: The Rise of Saudi Arabia’s Modern Artistic Movement.” Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, [...]
Dr. Foley spoke with the podcast “The Road to Now” on April 27, 2018 about the U.S./European airstrikes in Syria, the country’s civil war, and the growing tensions between Iran [...]
“The Necessary Evil’: The Toleration of Tobacco in Contemporary Oman.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Washington, DC, [...]
On November 29, 2017, Dr. Foley spoke to News Channel 5 (Nashville) about slavery in Libya and the country’s troubled recent history, including the death of Ambassador Stephens. See the [...]
Dr. Foley lectured on the Western tobacco industry and Oman to the 8th Conference on Ibadi Studies at the University of Tokyo, Center for Middle East Studies, Sultan Qaboos Chair in Middle East [...]
The Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies published Dr. Foley’s Article on China-Saudi Ties: “When Oil is Not Enough: Sino-Saudi Ties and Vision 2030.” This paper [...]